2010-08-27 10:53:25 UTC
Good to see that Tony's finally realised that he's on a hiding to
nothing on his refusal to submit costings to treasury.
Glad to see he's seen the light, and can't hold us to ransom.
Good, however,nothing on his refusal to submit costings to treasury.
Glad to see he's seen the light, and can't hold us to ransom.
"Mr Abbott says the Coalition agreed to the request because the
Treasurer's office and the Government will not have access to the
It's hilarious watching you try and tell us the naked emperor
has clothes;
he agreed because the Government (caretaker Govrnment, that is)
*agreed* not to have access.
B^D But that has NOTHING to do with his ORIGINAL reason for not*agreed* not to have access.
agreeing with the independents request: "it was difficult for
public servants to understand opposition policies with the same
insight that they had of government policies."
That was his first excuse, that treasury was 'not qualified'
to explain coalition policies.. we all saw him saying so on
TV.. IT was ok for treasury to give ALP costings to the
independents, but the Libs should give them their own version
with costings done by WA stooges associated with, employed
and PAID by, the Liberal Party! B^D
Only when the Independents, and the rest of the nation started
LAUGHING at the mad bastard having his Latham moment, did he
try his new excuse, that Treasury could leak more errors in
his figures! B^D and that lasted less than 24 hrs, during
which he, and BJ, accused the ALP of "Forlock tugging" and
Obsequious self abasement by being co-operative with Windsor,
and the Kingmakers.. and THEN TONY CAVED IN and TUGGED HIS
Priceless! He's destroyed his credibility, he a Joke,
He need lessons in calm reasonableness from Barnaby Joyce! B^D
No wonder the Press Corps were laughing and agreeing with
the independents:
"Key independent MPs have described Tony
Abbott's refusal to hand his policies over to Treasury for
scrutiny as "extraordinary" and "silly"."
"Abbott offers new excuse on costings"
- The Age August 27, 2010
"TONY Abbott has changed his reason for defying
the three independents' demand to have his policies
costed by the public service, while accusing Prime
Minister Julia Gillard of flouting political convention
''in a desperate bid to hold on to power''.
The Opposition Leader's intransigence in the face of
one of the trio's key demands comes as the caretaker
cabinet met in Canberra to discuss Labor's strategy
to woo the independents. Cabinet discussed advice to
Ms Gillard about how the caretaker conventions would
have to be modified to meet the seven demands the
independents have put to both her and Mr Abbott.
Under attack from Bob Katter and Tony Windsor,
Mr Abbott said he wouldn't give the policies for
costing until the completion of a police investigation
into a campaign leak about Coalition policies."
So, That hasn't happened.. B^) Tony has BACKFLIPPED
in a humiliating capitulation and 'debased himself'
by submitting to the independents, he's flipped and
athen he's flopped, he's abused everyone as being
untrustworthy, but hes the one whose word can't be taken
Ah well, he warned us, if it's not in writing, and signed
you just can't believe a single word he says!
This has been his Latham moment, no one believes he can
provide stable government, because he's CLEARLY UNSTABLE! B^D
''Of course, we're only too happy to give our policies
to the Treasury for costing,
B^D "Overjoyed.. that's why we REFUSED to do it!" B^D
but this matter has got to be resolved first.
"or we could just ignore the Loser of the Opposition,I don't know what I'm saying from one minute to the next..
look over THERE .... {slinks away} "
"Until it is resolved, we can't have confidence
in the integrity of the process,'' he said."
But less than a day later he has so much confidence
in the process he has no confidence in than he has
not only submitted to it, but declares its a Great
Victory for him! B^D
He's completely LOST IT! B^D
"On Wednesday, he did not mention the police inquiry when
explaining his reason for not submitting policies and
opposing the release of official briefing material about
opposition policies. He said it was difficult for public
servants to understand opposition policies with the same
insight that they had of government policies."
Well, what would you like him to say? The TRUTH? B^}
That he's a brown nosing, arse-licking ring kisser who
kneels before other men in frocks and does what they
tell him! So why wouldn't he 'obsequiously degrade
himself' by 'tugging his forelock in submission to
a process he says 'we can't have confidence in' B^D
"Mr Abbott criticised Ms Gillard for signalling she was
open to giving the independent MPs access to public
service briefings usually only shown to an incoming
government. He said this was ''typical of this Prime
Minister, who in a desperate bid to hold on to power,
to cling to power … [is] trying to trash the
Westminister conventions''.
But now it's a 'Victory for Tony' BWAAAAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA!
"Mr Windsor described Mr Abbott's position as ''fairly silly''."
'Fairly'? He's a complete fucking NUTJOB!
Who is Tony Latham?
Will the Real Mark Abbott please stand up?
" 'It's not a good start. I can't see why an independent
authority such as Treasury can't be trusted to look at
those numbers. I can understand why he didn't want to
do it prior to the election but the election is over.
I'd suggest that Mr Abbott might like to change his mind.''
Mr Katter said: ''Every person in Australia at the
present moment believes he's got something to hide.
I mean, I think he's been very ill-advised to take
this stand.''
At that point Tantrum Tony's nutty performance was over,
he tried a new excuse, more stupid than the last one, and then
Even Swan got to dump on his humiliation:
"Treasurer Wayne Swan dismissed Mr Abbott's argument
that he would make available to the independents
the accountancy firm WHK Horwath that checked the
opposition's costings. ''I don't think that's
legitimate at all,'' Mr Swan said, adding that
the firm, from Western Australia was ''associated
with the Liberal Party''.
Meet the new king-makers:
Subject: Welcome to the New Ministers for Stability:
Tony Windsor, Bob Katter, Adam Bandt, Rob Oakeshott and (possibly)
Andrew Wilkie ! B^D
Message-ID: <VsQbo.4193$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 23:24:43 +1000
"Key independent MPs have described Tony Abbott's refusal
to hand his policies over to Treasury for scrutiny as
"extraordinary" and "silly"."
They sure got Tony's measure! B^D
Tantrum Tony simply ruled himself out of the New Politics.
A Schematic of Tony Abbot's 'leadership' - a Latham Moment: B^D
Act I: Tantrum Tony takes a firm stand:
"Coalition refuses to 'tug forelock like Gillard' - Abbott"
- Brisbane Times 26/8/2010
"THE Coalition has dismissed the complaints of three
independents about its election costings and declared
it will not be told what to do in return for the
numbers to form government. "
Act II: Tony changes his excuse! B^D
"Abbott offers new excuse on costings
- The Age August 27, 2010
"TONY Abbott has changed his reason for defying the three
independents' demand to have his policies costed by the
public service."
B^D When his first excuse failed to convince anyone
Tony just invented a NEW ONE! B^D
"Under attack from Bob Katter and Tony Windsor, Mr Abbott
said he wouldn't give the policies for costing until the
completion of a police investigation into a campaign
leak about Coalition policies."
His new excuse lasted about an hour before his whole stance
caved in.. it was simply untenable, he sounded insane:
"On Wednesday, he did not mention the police inquiry when
explaining his reason for not submitting policies and opposing
the release of official briefing material about opposition policies.
He said it was difficult for public servants to understand
opposition policies with the same insight that they had of
government policies."
But his squirming and backflips did him no good at all,
people everywhere just wondered what he had to hide... and so..
Act III: The Independents win - Tony Abbott Caves in on Costings
"The three independents whose support is crucial to forming
a minority government will receive detailed financial
costings on the policies of the major parties."
Tantrum Tony Tugs the Forelock!
(and that's not all he's tugging! B^D